Although Bonnie is only 16 years old and four years away from getting married, Bond is not worried that Ye Tian will go back on his word. The most important thing is that even if Ye Tian develops faster in four years, he will not be able to jump into the palm of his hand.

Moreover, a n experienced person, Bond, has a deep understanding that even the wicked should be treated sincerely, but the most important thing is to see Ye Tianren through Ye Tian’s contact with Bond’s great eyes. This is definitely a trustworthy person and a villain. Even if the interests are great, Bond may not be willing to marry his granddaughter.
Now that everything has been settled, the next thing to do is to soften the heart. Bond, a patriarch, is best at keeping people’s hearts at bay. If he has no ability, it will not be his turn to be the head of the team.
Thinking about Bond, he took out a gray-black box from his bosom and gently placed it in front of Ye Tian. He calmly said, Although Bonnie is not married, you and I are already a family in my heart. This is my gift. I believe you will.
Oh, I looked puzzled. Ye Tian picked up the gray box at Bond’s sign and gently hit it. Suddenly a strange object appeared in front of Ye Tian.
It’s a palm-sized gray badge. The base is a gray six-busy star array. The six-pointed star array is an inverse cross. The inverse cross is tied with a twelve-winged bone with six pairs of wings.
Looking at this strange object, Ye Tian quickly searched for the memory of Orissis. Ye Tian opened his mouth with disbelief and looked at Bond in the past.
Looking at Ye Tian’s incredible eyes, Bond smiled and nodded. Yes, this is the undead summons badge. It is a very good badge to summon all kinds of undead with this badge.
Gollum swallowed hard. Although he didn’t get much more information than the undead summons badge from the memory of Ortiz, he can already tell what grade this thing is, baby.
Badge is the strangest magic thing in the world. It is said that there are 18 badges created by the creator, and each badge has unique abilities. No two badges have the same or similar abilities.
Although Ye Tian is a land warrior, with the carrying ability of this undead badge, he can summon undead to fight for his soldiers at any time, regardless of his occupation.
Not to mention this badge’s physical ability, the story has given this badge a horrible value. You can find 18 badges all over the world, and each badge is unique. It can be said that each badge represents a super master.
Looking at Ye Tian’s excited expression, Bond nodded with satisfaction. This badge is indeed 18 badges. But in fact, the power of this badge is not as great as that of CUHK.
Bond once gave this badge to his teammates, but it was disappointing that the summoned skeleton soldiers were not as powerful as expected, especially as everyone’s strength rose to the later stage. This undead summons badge was rubbish, otherwise he could not have given it to Ye Tian so generously.
After more than 30 years’ research, more than 10 bonds have been replaced, and it can be confirmed that this badge is suitable for the weak theory that the undead summons badge to summon skeleton soldiers is a confrontation between French masters
Of course, the secret of falling into the Tianyi family knows that even if it falls into the Tianyi family, there are not many people who know it, and it will never be anything else. Otherwise, this thing will depreciate instantly, which is not what Bond wants to see.
It will take three or four years to realize the shortcomings of this badge. After three or four years, Bonnie has already got married, and Bond believes that he must have been well by then, which is not a problem.
Now, this badge is not powerful, but it is the best item to buy people’s hearts. In the past few decades, Bond has used the same badge in the same way, and more than a dozen loyal hands. This time will be no exception.
The most important thing is that although this badge looks weak for the time being, Bond also knows that no badge is really weak, just because he didn’t find the right method. Therefore, no amount of money can sell this badge, and it can’t be transferred in the Bond family department or sold to outsiders. Once someone discovers the mystery of the badge, the Bond family will soar, so the opportunity is not measured by money.
Why do you think about Ye Tianbang? Now that you have left your only granddaughter and don’t give this badge, the only thing you can give is probably this granddaughter-in-law, so you can buy a heart badge and not leave your family. Where can I find such a good thing?
Thinking about Bond, he said with a smile, if you want this badge, you need to drop your blood on it to avoid accidents. You’d better integrate it into your body now.
Ye Tian nodded excitedly when he heard Bond’s words. According to Ortiz’s memory, everything Bond said was true. Since this Ye Tianran dare not take risks, otherwise, if someone steals that Ye Tian, it’s really a tearful thing.
Bite your fingertips, Ye Tian will drop purples of blood on the gray-black undead summoning badge. With the blood dripping, the gray-black badge suddenly emits a strong dark red light and radiates. Ye Tian feels that the undead badge has disappeared when he looks at it carefully.
Seeing this, Ye Tian couldn’t help but look at the back of his right hand with a bright eye, and saw that the badge was totem-like now.
The six-pointed star combined with the cross-bone three days to form a strange pattern, which looks mysterious and unpredictable, emitting a little cold breath.
Looking at Ye Tian’s excited expression, Bond said with a smile, the method of this badge is very simple. It is necessary to condense the spirit and the detective badge will know that you have everything.
Ye Tian expected to close his eyes when he heard Bond’s words. He felt the badge of the undead calling on his right hand. A ripple of soul lingered for a moment, and Ye Tian’s consciousness entered Ye Tian’s mind. An enlightenment rose rapidly from Ye Tian’s mind.
A badge can’t be opened at will. Every badge requires a lot of magic than a care badge. A holy badge must be full of quarrelling and not meet the conditions.
With this undead summoning badge, you can summon a skeleton warrior to help fight. By killing constantly, the badge will constantly absorb the dead. When the dead gather to a certain extent, it will activate an undead summoning ability. What is summoning? It is not clear.
Forced to stay open, Ye Tian suddenly leaned out his right hand. In the spirit, Ye Tian’s right hand suddenly filled with a gray fog, and a scarlet light mass flew straight to the ground. In a series of crisp clicks, a thin skeleton soldier emerged from the ground one by one.
Look carefully, this skeleton warrior is thin and looks like a woman’s skeleton, about 1.7 meters tall, holding a round bone shield in his left hand and a thin bone sword in his right hand.
Looking at this skinny little skeleton warrior in front of it, it seems that a gust of wind will blow it away. Ye Tian is not startled. Is this the undead summons badge to summon the skeleton warrior?
See Ye Tian promised to Bond’s face was full of laughter. Although I don’t know much about Ye Tian, through several contacts, Bond has recognized Ye Tian’s wisdom. Bond is very white. Ye Tian has already embraced all the elements of success. To continue to develop Ye Tian’s future is bound to be brilliant.
Bond is old, and his only son, the second sai-jo, has also been removed from the family. Now all the hopes of his granddaughter family are in her body.
Now Ye Tian is tied to the family chariot through his granddaughter Bond, so that a family will inevitably take off again because of Ye Tian’s rise. Although it may be bitter for her granddaughter, it is also acceptable to sacrifice the interests of a family. This is the sadness of a big family woman.
Although Bonnie is only 16 years old and four years away from getting married, Bond is not worried that Ye Tian will go back on his word. The most important thing is that even if Ye Tian develops faster in four years, he will not be able to jump into the palm of his hand.
Moreover, a n experienced person, Bond, has a deep understanding that even the wicked should be treated sincerely, but the most important thing is to see Ye Tianren through Ye Tian’s contact with Bond’s great eyes. This is definitely a trustworthy person and a villain. Even if the interests are great, Bond may not be willing to marry his granddaughter.
Now that everything has been settled, the next thing to do is to soften the heart. Bond, a patriarch, is best at keeping people’s hearts at bay. If he has no ability, it will not be his turn to be the head of the team.
Thinking about Bond, he took out a gray-black box from his bosom and gently placed it in front of Ye Tian. He calmly said, Although Bonnie is not married, you and I are already a family in my heart. This is my gift. I believe you will.
Oh, I looked puzzled. Ye Tian picked up the gray box at Bond’s sign and gently hit it. Suddenly a strange object appeared in front of Ye Tian.
It’s a palm-sized gray badge. The base is a gray six-busy star array. The six-pointed star array is an inverse cross. The inverse cross is tied with a twelve-winged bone with six pairs of wings.
Looking at this strange object, Ye Tian quickly searched for the memory of Orissis. Ye Tian opened his mouth with disbelief and looked at Bond in the past.
Looking at Ye Tian’s incredible eyes, Bond smiled and nodded. Yes, this is the undead summons badge. It is a very good badge to summon all kinds of undead with this badge.